DiCE hosted its Liver Cancer Awareness Month online event, “It is Never Too Early to Act,” on October 24th at 10 a.m. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of prevention and early diagnosis of liver cancer.
During the webinar, which complemented the “United Against Liver Cancer” webinar held on October 1st, leading experts shared their insights on several key topics in liver cancer advocacy.
The agenda featured updates on the status quo in screening and early diagnosis, ideas on how to improve the situation, details on inequalities in liver cancer and hepatitis vaccination, thoughts on patient-centric liver cancer care and treatment approaches, highlights from the results of DiCE’s HCC Prevention & Diagnosis research project, and an overview of the patient advocacy perspective, among other topics.
This event provided an opportunity to learn more about how we could act early to reduce the incidence and impact of liver cancer in Europe and globally.
Watch the recording here.