Screening and COVID – Challenges and Opportunities – Session V, 5th DiCE Masterclass 2020

Online, Nov 17, 2020,
Leading Change for Improved Patient Outcomes

Our Masterclass series started on July 1 and runs until December as a virtual experience.

 We invited our Members to join us for an interactive moment to connect, learn and share best practice – as a part of our 5th Masterclass series. Participants received an update on screening in colorectal cancer and an in-depth view on the public health situation in relation to the pandemic.


Time (CET)



9:00amIntroductionJola Gore-Booth
9:10amScreening and Covid – the Challenges and OpportunitiesProfessor Stephen Halloran
10:00amColonoscopy Surveillance GuidelinesProfessor Matt Rutter
10:30amMicrobiomes and CRC ScreeningDr Caroline Young
10:55amWrap-upJola Gore-Booth

Slides and videos of the event will be shared with Members in the ‘Member Zone’.

For a full list of our Masterclass sessions please see below or do you have questions about this event? Please contact us.

5th DiCE Masterclass Series 2020 – All Sessions


Time (CET)



July 112:00 PM -2:00 PMAttracting Members – Input for our 2020 ECCAM CampaignCommunication Workshop
July 710:00 AM- 12:00 PMUp-date in ScienceLecture
Sept. 2412:00 PM-2:00 PMLeading Change in Public HealthPolicy Workshop
Oct. 212:00 PM-4:00 PMKey Focal Points for Liver Cancer Patient Advocacy, jointly with ELPALive Webinar
Nov. 1710:00 AM- 12:00 PMColorectal Cancer Screening UpdateLive Webinar
Dec. 1010:00 AM- 12:00 PMDigestive Cancers and Nutrition – How Can we Best Support Patients Living with Gastric and Oesophageal Cancers?Live Webinar

Our gratitude goes to our generous event sponsors!

Masterclass sponsors

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