Patient Voices
Below, patients share their unique journeys.
DiCE believes it is only through incorporating the patient voice throughout all diagnositc and treament experiences, that we will have real change that betters the quaity of life for all European patient and saves lives.

Patient Materials
Together with its Member Organisations and patients, Digestive Cancers Europe develop materials to help patients through their individual journeys with digestive cancers. We invite you to download and explore the materials below according to the type of cancer that speaks to you.

Support Harmonized Advances for better Patient Experiences (SHAPE)
The SHAPE program is an international unbranded, initiative, led by Servier, which consists of co-creating tools with patients, carers and patient advocates from Digestive Cancers Europe and HCPs (oncologists, psycho-oncologists, nurses, pharmacists) to support metastatic digestive cancer patients and their families throughout their cancer journey.

We’re Here for Patients
Digestive Cancers Europe is an umbrella organisation aiming to better the quality of life of patients and save lives across Europe. We work to strengthen our local Members – patient organisations on a country or regional level – to offer the best direct patient support possible.

Drug Database for Digestive Cancers
Our database allows you to easily find any digestive cancer drug that has been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and has gained marketing authorisation in the European Economic Area (EAA) by the European Commission (EC). The EAA includes all EU countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

DiCE Clinical Trials Database
Patients undergoing treatment often ask about the possibility of enrolling in a clinical trial. A clinical trial is a scientific study. It tests new molecules in the hope that they are safe and more effective than current treatments.

Colorectal Cancer Navigator
The colorectal cancer navigator is a practical tool for everyone who has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer. It answers many frequent questions and offers a lot of practical tips and tricks concerning your daily life and physical and mental wellbeing.

Know your rights
As a patient, you have certain rights to the best treatments and care.

For Carers
Carers are an essential part of a patient’s life. For family and friends becoming a Carer is often sudden and unexpected. Below you will find resources to help Carers on this all-important journey.