Patient Materials

Together with its Member Organisations and patients, Digestive Cancers Europe develop materials to help patients through their individual journeys with digestive cancers. We invite you to download and explore the materials below according to the type of cancer that speaks to you.

If you are looking for more information in your own language, please contact one of our local Member Organisations – here you will find people who are experienced at offering support in times of need in your country or region.

Also, if there is a type of material or information that you’re looking but are unable to find, please contact us. Your ideas are welcome! We’ll be happy to look into creating this new resource for you and other patients with similar information needs.

All Digestives Cancers

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal Cancer Navigator
Colorectal Cancer Patient Navigator

Your step-by-step guide to navigating CRC

Liver Cancer

CCA Infographic

Cholangiocarcinoma, Patient Infographic

Oesophageal and Gastric Cancers

Advanced Gastric Cancer Educational Booklet
Advanced Gastric Cancer Educational Booklet

This booklet hopes to help to inform, educate, and empower you to understand the testing and treatment options for your diagnosis.

Gastric Cancer HER2 Testing Infographic
Gastric Cancer HER2 Testing Infographic

Evaluating your HER2 status can serve as an important biomarker and therapeutic target for treating your gastric cancer.

Pancreatic Cancer

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