Drug Database for Digestive Cancers

The following database allows you to easily find any digestive cancer drug that has been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and has gained marketing authorisation in the European Economic Area (EAA) by the European Commission (EC). The EAA includes all EU countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

A marketing authorisation in the EAA does not necessarily mean that this treatment is already available in your country.

If you search a drug by Type of Cancer, you will find all drugs currently approved for a specific digestive cancer. We have not included in the database some ‘older’ chemotherapy drugs.

Please note the following:

  • It is possible that one molecule is already approved for one indication (for instance colorectal cancer) but not yet approved for another type of digestive cancer (for instance gastric cancer).
  • In the list you can also see which companies are the ‘marketing authorisation holder’ for the treatment or the developer of the drug.
  • More than one provider can produce off-patent drugs.
  • The list is only indicative. Several of the drugs mentioned are indicated for small subpopulations of the cancer mentioned or for a specific line of treatment. If you want more information on whether a specific drug is suitable for you or available in your country, please discuss these options with your treating medical team.
  • We aim to update the database as soon as a new market authorisation takes place.
Showing 1 to 10 of 56 entries

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