Colorectal Cancer Screening: Lessons Learned from Covid-19

Online, Jun 22, 2021, 10:00 am

This was our first webinar of the Stakeholder Network that has evolved out of the Thematic Network of the same name. The objective of this event is to assess what can be done to identify and implement best practices in CRC screening in Europe in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.


During the webinar we will explore:

  • How to make screening more robust and clinically effective when challenged by acute crisis such as the COVID pandemic
  • Which stakeholders to involve and how to collaborate for maximum impact and efficiency
  • How to ensure the development of more resilient and effective national screening programmes
  • How to collaborate at EU level to share best practices and harmonise approaches.


Time (CET)



10:00 – 10:05Welcome! See the slides Dora Constantinides, Chair of the Board of Directors, DiCE
10:05 – 10:15

Session introduction

See the slides

Prof. Dr. Eric Van Cutsem, Head of Digestive Oncology, Leuven University Hospital, Belgium and Member of the Board of Digestive Cancers Europe
10:15 – 10:30European Commission: The Cancer TeamTBD
10:30 – 10:40

CRC screening programmes in Europe under COVID-19

See the slides

Dr. Carlo Senore, Centro Prevenzione Oncologica Regione Piemonte and Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria S Giovanni Battista di Torino, Turin, Italy
10:40 – 10:50

Screening under COVID-19 in the Netherlands

See the slides

Dr. Iris Lansdorp-Vogelaar, Associate Professor at the Department of Public Health of Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands, and representing EU-TOPIA.
10:50 – 11:00The Impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the Screening Programme in Slovenia See the slides Tit Albreht, MD, PhD, Senior Researcher, Joint Action Scientific Coordinator, National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia
11:00 – 11:10Screening under Covid-19 in Finland See the slidesDr Tytti Sarkeala, Director of Screening, PhD Finnish Cancer Registry Finland
11:10 – 11:20How can the lessons learned help us cope with future crises and / or improve national CRC screening programmes? See the slides Prof. Dr. Stephen Halloran, Screening specialist, Member of the Bowel Cancer Screening Advisory Committee, United Kingdom
11:20 – 11:50Q & A
11:50 – 12:00

The Way Forward

See the slides

Zorana Maravic, Acting CEO, Digestive Cancers Europe (DiCE)

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