DiCE Online Event: Together, Ensuring Deserved Care for Every Liver Cancer Patient

Online Event, Oct 25, 2023, 11:00 am

DiCE Presents: “Together, Ensuring Deserved Care for Every Liver Cancer Patient”

An Online Event Bringing Together Experts, Policy-Makers, Patients, and Stakeholders on Liver Cancer

On 25 October 2023, from 11:00 to 12:30 (CET), DiCE held its online event, “Together, Ensuring Deserved Care for Every Liver Cancer Patient”, as part of our campaign for Liver Cancer Awareness Month. Other campaign materials include the Liver Cancer Index and an Executive Summary of the results. If you would like to find out more about our campaign for Liver Cancer Awareness Month, please visit the campaign lading page: https://digestivecancers.eu/liver-cancer-awareness-month-2023/.

Renowned experts from the International Liver Cancer Association (ILCA) and the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), as well as from the International Liver Cancer Movement (ILCM) and the European Liver Patients Association (ELPA), among others, headlined the event. Talks focused on the importance of a united approach between all stakeholders in liver cancer advocacy, early diagnosis and surveillance in groups of people who are at high risk of developing liver cancer, and liver cancer treatment guidelines and approaches. During the event, DiCE also presented the results of the Liver Cancer Index, our research project from this year, which aimed to map the liver cancer treatment landscape across the EU.

Attendees also participated in the discussion by posing relevant questions, and panellists exchanged valuable ideas. Through this event, we demonstrated how a collaborative environment where experts and stakeholders can identify and address the barriers faced by the patient community can contribute to Europe’s advancement towards early diagnosis and best-practice care for all liver cancer patients.


11.00 - 11.15Welcome remarks to the Session

Ms Zorana Maravic,
CEO of Digestive Cancers Europe (DiCE)
Zorana Maravic
Mr Milan Mishkovikj,
Founder of Hepar Centar Bitola (Liver Center of Bitola), North Macedonia.
Vice president and CEO at Liver Center of Bitola.
Director of the European Liver Patient Association (ELPA).
Milan Mishkovikj
Dr Lorenza Rimassa,
Deputy Director of the Medical Oncology Unit and Head of the Gastrointestinal Oncology Section at Humanitas Cancer Center, Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan. Associate Professor of Medical Oncology at Humanitas University.
Treasurer of the International Liver Cancer Association (ILCA).
Lorenza Rimassa
11.15 - 11.25Early diagnosis, screening – providing the scientific evidence

Dr Peter Jepsen,
Consultant hepatologist and clinical professor of hepato-epidemiology at Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark. The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Policy and Public Health Committee Member.
Peter Jepsen
11.25 - 11.30The importance deserved care for every liver cancer patient

Ms Lieve Wierinck,
Chair of the DiCE Board, former Member of the European Parliament (MEP), cancer survivor.
Lieve Wierinck
11.30 - 11.40Liver cancer treatment guidelines and approaches

Dr Maria Reig,
Head of the Liver Oncology Unit (BCLC), The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Spain.
Maria Reig
11.40 - 11.50Novel treatment approaches

Dr Manon Allaire,
Doctor of Medecine in La Pitié Salpétrière Hospital in Paris, France.
Member of the International Liver Cancer Association (ILCA) Advocacy Patient Expert team.
Manon Allaire
11.50 - 12.00Update on CCA

Ms Helen Morement,
AMMF - Cholangiocarcinoma Charity
Founder and CEO of AMMF - Cholangiocarcinoma Charity, UK.
Helen Morement
12.00 - 12.10Findings from the Liver Cancer Index

Ms Lili Gundelach,
Medical and scientific project coordinator at Digestive Cancers Europe (DiCE)
Lili Gundelach
12.10 - 12.20Patient/advocacy perspective in the LC field

Mr Achim Kautz,
CEO of Kautz5 gUG (a non-profit project and consulting company for patient-centred care research and health concepts).
Managing director of the International Liver Cancer Movement (ILCM).
Achim Kautz
12.20 - 12.30Questions & Answers

Speakers & Audience


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