Lili Anna Gundelach

Medical & Scientific Project Officer

Lili Anna Gundelach

Lili works as a medical and scientific project coordinator at DiCE, leveraging her academic background and previous experience in patient advocacy, patient-led oncology research, and other disease areas.

She has been passionate about patient activism since high school when she volunteered at HIV/AIDS activist groups in Hungary. She moved on to study Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, where she also obtained her Master’s degree in the same field, focusing on immunotherapies. During her degree, she continued to volunteer at several patient advocacy groups. She pursued laboratory-based research projects with a strong focus on improving public health and patients’ lives.

Between 2019 and 2020, she worked as a freelance scientific writer, collaborating with the European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI), among other organisations. After moving to Hannover, Germany, in 2020, Lili worked as a patient advocate and researcher at Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE), managing scientific projects, generating patient-oriented research, and creating patient-friendly medical publications.

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