October is Liver Cancer Awareness Month
Every year, ~90.000 people are diagnosed with liver cancer, while approximately 80.000 people sadly pass away from this disease, putting liver cancer in the seventh position as the most frequent cancer-related cause of death in Europe.

During the month of October DiCE is highlighting the signs and symptoms of this cancer along with the key facts on prevention and treatment. This includes the fact that it can be challenging to diagnose due to lack of early symptoms, and difficult to treat due to its complexity particularly as many patients also have a second disease – cirrhosis of the liver.
But we are optimistic. Many of the risk factors associated with liver cancer are preventable or modifiable.
To spread the word and mark the month, DiCE has partnered with the European Liver Patient’s Association (ELPA) and produced a campaign to help raise awareness across Europe. Campaign resources include a White Paper, Liver Cancer No Patient Left Behind, supported by a Liver Cancer in Europe Infographic and a Health Economic Factsheet, in addition to awareness messages to be shared across social media platforms throughout the month. We invite our Members to also spread the word in their countries.
This year DiCE and ELPA will host a high-level, online European policy event – Liver Cancer: No Patient Left Behind, Optimising the European Response on 12 October from 15:00 – 16:30 CET, with the aim of bringing together experts, policy-makers, patients and other stakeholders active in the field of liver cancer from European health organizations, our member organizations and medical community.
Campaign Materials
Social Media Calendar: tailored for our Member Organisations
Campaign Poster for Pharmacies and Hospitals: tailored for our Member Organisations
White Paper, Liver Cancer: No Patient Left Behind
White Paper, Liver Cancer: No Patient Left Behind – Summary
Liver Cancer – Key Facts Infographic
The Costs of Liver Cancer – Factsheet