Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month

This April, Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month, we’re moving against Oesophageal Cancer, together!


Each year close to 53.000 people in Europe receive the difficult diagnosis of oesophageal cancer. This cancer is hard to diagnose, and harder to treat. Sadly approximately 46.000 people will lose their lives to this disease by the end of 2023.

To bring much-needed attention to this cancer on the rise, Digestive Cancers Europe started a concerted awareness campaign in 2021, and Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month is now an annual part of our DiCE awareness building calendar.

This year our awareness is centred around physical activity – daily moderate physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight, and lower your risk of developing Oesophageal Cancer by 30%.1

Steps Completed Around the World
Steps Completed by Supporters of OeCAM 2023

Join us, and together we will walk to mark the month and keep Oesophageal Cancer in the spotlight. We’ve launched a simple and free mobile app StepApp that creates a sense of community through walking and spreading digestive cancer awareness. Simply download DiCE-SteppApp from the App Store and StepAPP from Google Play and get moving!

We invite you to visit our webpage dedicated to identifying the risks, symptoms, and disease aetiology of Oesophageal Cancer, to be inspired by patient- and carer- stories through the journeys shared by Ceri, Helena, and Harry and Ida Verbunt, or consult our campaign materials and resources below.

We have also created a month-long social media campaign for our Member Organisations and partners to help us amplify our messages and improve public awareness of this disease.
Materials for download and for your use are below – thanks in advance!

Campaign Materials

1. Singh, S., Devanna, S., Edakkanambeth Varayil, J., Murad, M. H. & Iyer, P. G. Physical activity is associated with reduced risk of esophageal cancer, particularly esophageal adenocarcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Gastroenterol 14, (2014).

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