Alina Comanescu

Alina Comanescu brings her multinational experience in the public and private sectors to the DiCE Board, work that she has been involved in since 2009. Since 2013 she has been active in the cancer patient advocacy field on both national and European levels, this has been in her role as Founder of the Romanian Community Health Association ‘Asociația Sănătate pentru Comunitate’.
In this capacity she created a cancer patient advocacy strategy amid the complex political, cultural and regulatory landscape of Romania.
Her vision for how DiCE can best represent and support the digestive cancer patient community in Europe includes:
- Advocating for systematic screening to prevent what is preventable.
- Working to provide and gain support for patients along the entire digestive cancer patients` pathway including services related to better quality of life and the right to be forgotten.
- Working with stakeholders for the adoption of a patient centric approach – making sure the patient view is a part of the implementation of Europe`s Beating Cancer Plan.