The Board and Team

A multidisciplinary team forms the basis of Digestive Cancers Europe

of Directors

Digestive Cancers Europe’s core team

Highly motivated specialists with an academic background and experience in the medical industry

Lieve Wierinck

Lieve Wierinck

Dave Chuter

Dave Chuter

Professor Dr. Eric Van Cutsem

Jenni Tamminen-Sirkiä

Alina Comanescu

Alina Comanescu

Cyril Sarrauste de Menthière

Cyril Sarrauste de Menthière

Our Team

We have a multicultural and diverse team of experts

The DiCE team works with our Members and Associate Members to get the patient voice heard

Zorana Maravic

Ghislaine Gerbier

Natasha Muench

Natasha Münch

Marianna Vitaloni

Marianna Vitaloni

Ruel Jacob

Ana Martins

Ana Martins

Lili Anna Gundelach

Lili Anna Gundelach

Luca Arfini

Luca Arfini

Laura Urena

Laura Ureña

Ivan Ratkovic

Nikola Mihinjač

Expert Advisors

External experts

Experts on preventive colorectal cancer screening and psychological impact of digestive cancers

Carlos Hue

Barbara Moss

Barbara Moss

Mark Moss

Mark Moss

Dr. Carlo Senore

Nuria Malats

Nuria Malats

Patient Advisory Committee

Patients sharing their experience

Digestive Cancer patients and survivors sharing their experiences, advising and co-creating with Digestive Cancers Europe.

Dave Chuter

Dave Chuter (UK)

Eva Backman

Eva Backman (Sweden)

Andi Carlan

Andi Cârlan (Romania)

Stephen Rowley

Stephen Rowley (UK)

Patrycja Rzadkowska (Poland)

Angelica Selander Oesophageal Cancer

Angelica Selander (Sweden)

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