• Pilar Ruiz posted an update 3 years ago

    good morning companions
    I wanted to tell you that in our association, in addition to fighting to give visibility to our disease and its sequelae and promoting research by participating in large projects such as DICE, we are currently working on a protocol that will be of vital importance for all patients and families who live our disease and its…[Read more]

    • Thanks @Pilar – we’re lucky to have you as a part of the group too!
      Great to get this information on your organisation and we look forward to an update on the protocol – let’s make sure we share it further in one of our events with other Members.

  • Pilar Ruiz changed their profile picture 3 years ago

  • Pilar Ruiz's profile was updated 3 years ago

    • Great to have you in the community Pilar and that you were able to find your way in updating your profile. This is just the beginning of this shared area, so please do come and visit it regularly and post – together we’ll make it a vibrant space 🙂
      Enjoy your day!

  • Pilar Ruiz changed their profile picture 3 years ago

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