Materials Available – ECCAM 2021 Launch Event

Online, Feb 26, 2021,

European Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month #ECCAM2021.

Thank you for joining us and for making the event a success!

Please find the agenda below including links to the recordings and slides.

Time (CET)



10.00-10.05Dora Constantinides Chair of the Board of Directors, DiCEECCAM 2021: The value of the Patient Experience towards better outcomes
10.05-10.15Zorana Maravic, MBA, B.Sc.
DiCE acting CEO

Launch DiCE “Roadmap for the Prevention and Treatment of Colorectal Cancer in Europe”

Download the slides

10.15-10.25Iris Lansdorp-Vogelaar, PhD Associate Professor Department of Public Health ERASMUS MC University medical Centre Rotterdam

Screening: Best practices to improve access to screening – sharing experiences across Europe

Watch the video

Download the slides

10.25-10.35Roberto Persiani
President EuropaColon Italia Onlus

Quality and inequality of colorectal cancer treatment: the Italian perspective

Watch the video

Download the slides

10.35-10.45John F. Ryan Director for Public Health DG SANTE

The Beating Cancer Plan: how will it improve the patients experience

Watch the video

Download the slides

10.45-10.55MEP Bartosz ARŁUKOWICZ
BECA Chair

Beating cancer – empowering patients – their carers- and prevention, the view from the European Parliament Video

Watch the video

10.55-11.00Tomislav SOKOL BECA member MEPThe Beating Cancer Plan: the view from The European Parliament
11.00-11.10Lieve Wierinck
Board Member, DiCE
Former MEP and MP

The value of the patient experience

Watch the video

11.10-11.30ALLQ&A session
11.30-11.45Catie Young
Communication Manager, DiCE
ECCAM 2021

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