Overview DiCE Masterclasses – Leading Change for Improved Patient Outcomes – All Sessions

Online, Nov 17, 2020,
Leading Change for Improved Patient Outcomes

Our Masterclass series started on July 1 and runs until December as a virtual experience.

Welcome to our DiCE Masterclass Agenda for 2020!

As you may well know we had to transform our usual much-loved face-to-face meeting in Barcelona into a virtual experience for our Members this year.

Our virtual Masterclass Series are finished for 2020. Thank you to all those who took part – participants and speakers alike. Please see the individual events for more information.


Time (CET)



July 112:00 PM -2:00 PMAttracting Members – Input for our 2020 ECCAM CampaignCommunication Workshop
July 710:00 AM- 12:00 PM

Up-Date in Science

Access materials

Sept. 2411:30 AM-2:00 PM

Leading Change in Public Health

For the Policy Toolkit shared at this session, please go to our Member Zone. If you need access please contact us.

Policy Workshop
Oct. 212:00 PM-5:00 PM

Deep Dive into Liver Cancer, jointly with ELPA

Access materials

Live Webinar
Nov. 1710:00 AM- 12:00 PMCRC Screening and COVID – Challenges and OpportunitiesLive Webinar
Dec. 1010:00 AM- 12:00 PM

Digestive Cancers and Nutrition – How Can We Best Support Patients Living with Gastric and Oesophageal Cancers?

Access materials

Live Webinar

Would you like more information? Please contact us.

Our gratitude goes to our generous event sponsors!

Masterclass sponsors

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