Dave Chuter (UK)


Dave Chuter

Dave Chuter is an oesophageal cancer survivor, his life-saving oesophagectomy in 2006 was the moment that started his journey into patient support and cancer research.

When he received his diagnosis, there was no patient-to-patient support locally, so he started up a support group, still currently running, with the help of his local hospital medical team in December 2006. During this, newly diagnosed patients started asking questions about the research trial they were invited to join, was it the right one for them and are others available? Lacking answers, he decided to get involved in cancer research to be able to answer patient questions and help all patients make informed decisions on their treatment pathways.

His aim as a patient advocate is to help ensure that:

  • The lived experience and knowledge gained by patients of the patients’ journey becomes part of medical and clinical research to ensure Quality of Life
  • Patient wellbeing and the best outcomes are the objectives of research and researchers
  • The patients and carers voices are heard, and are recognized as an equal voice and partner in research

He sees his role as a Patient Advocate being about acting as an expert patient voice, particularly in academic research and believes the views of many are going to make the difference for all patients. He is passionate about patient-to-patient support groups and their role as a stepping-stone for active members to get involved further and add their own voice to cancer research.

To this end, along with being on the DiCE Patient Advisory Committee, he is also involved in many healthcare networks, including:

You can read Dave’s story or if you would like to reach out to Dave, please let us know.

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