Patrycja Rzadkowska (Poland)
Patient Advisor

Patrycja Rzadkowska is a psychologist and works professionally as a Customer Relationship Manager for an international company. In addition to psychology, she is a psycho-oncology graduate. She also works voluntarily for the DiCE Member organisation EuropaColon Poland and through this has become a European Cancer Organization Patient Advisory Committee Member, a member of Pancreatic Cancer Europe and a member of the DiCE Patient Advisory Committee.
In 2017, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and after successful treatment, she decided to share her story with others. She is passionate about helping and supporting those around her and this is her reason for volunteering and getting involved in different initiatives focused on oncology. These activities “make her life meaningful” she says.
Through her experience, commitment and expertise she hopes that she will have the capacities to fully concentrate on helping and supporting oncological patients in the future.
You can watch Patrycja’s story or please let us know if you would like to contact her.