Colorectal Cancer Prevention

You can seriously diminish the chances of getting colorectal cancer by taking some precautions.


Many people believe that getting cancer is purely down to genes, fate or just bad luck. But through scientific research, we know that our risk actually depends on a combination of our genes, our environment and things to do with our lifestyle, which we are more able to control.

It is usually not possible to know exactly why one person develops colorectal cancer and another doesn’t…

However, colorectal cancer is generally preventable. There are many steps you can take to help prevent colorectal cancer. It is also one of the very few cancers that can be prevented through screening.

In its early stages, it is also highly treatable. If the disease is detected early enough, treatment is often able to cure it completely.

We know that colorectal cancer can still be a bit of a taboo subject.

Embarrassment and a lack of good, clear information both play a big role in people not discussing prevention and screening options with their doctor.

This leads to many people being diagnosed at a late stage, which makes the disease much more difficult to treat. People are dying unnecessarily as a result.

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