Prevalence of Colorectal Cancer
With almost 1.4 million new cases of colorectal cancer each year worldwide it presents 9.7% of the total global cancer cases.
Identifying Risk Factors
The increase in the number of cases is driven by population growth and ageing as well as poor diet and lifestyle.
- Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in men and the second in women worldwide with almost 55% of the cases occurring in more developed regions.
- In Europe it is the second most common cancer with more than 470,000 European citizens being diagnosed every year with the disease.
- Colorectal cancer kills 228,000 Europeans every year with the highest estimated mortality rates in both sexes being in Central and Eastern Europe.
- This disease is preventable in many cases and highly treatable if diagnosed in its early stages.
- Colorectal cancer is a disease that mainly effects the over 50’s, and there are more than 175 million citizens in Europe between the 50 to 69 years old.

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