3rd International Symposium on Pancreatic Cancer

October 28, 2023

On 16-18 October, French researchers from the AFRCP (Association Française pour la Recherche sur le Cancer du Pancreas) organised the ‘Pancreatic Cancer Symposium 2023’ in Bordeaux, France. Being invited to speak as a patient was an honour, and I was incredibly proud to do so.

This was the 3rd edition of this international meeting, bringing together researchers and clinicians to share the latest knowledge on pancreatic cancer and advances in research. These included innovations in metastatic cancer, epidemiology of the disease in France vs Europe vs the USA, genetic mutations and pancreatic cancer, microbiota role, organoids’ role, etc.

Around forty speakers presented lectures to an audience of 150 people.

Pancreatic cancer accounts for only 2 to 3% of all cancers (14,000 new cases per year in France) but remains one of the most deadly.

For the very first time, AFRCP offered a voice to patients to explore how they can participate in clinical research. This is how I came to give my patient testimony and present my book*, before highlighting two patient associations, one French, Espoir Pancreas, on European, Digestive Cancers Europe.

In addition to the Patient Co-Creation section, two ongoing international clinical trials also attracted considerable attention, Guide MRD and Sagittarius. I’m delighted to have taken part in such an event, and I’d like to thank the AFRCP for giving me the opportunity to speak and DiCE for putting me in touch with the association so that the patient’s voice could be heard.


*L’Indigestion, journal intime de mon cancer du pancréas, Janvier 2023 Editions L’Harmattan

Ruel Jacob

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