A Call for Action on Biosimilars for Increased Accessibilty for Patients

October 26, 2021
A Call for Action on Biosimilars for Increased Accessibilty for Patients

DiCE laid out a Call for Action for “Improving the Use of Biosimilar Medicines in Colorectal Cancer through the Adaptation of EU Policies” at the end of September. This was at its policy event “The Value Biosimilars Can Bring to Colorectal Cancer Patients in Europe – Reflecting on European Policies Regarding Biosimilar Use in Cancer”. During the event, leading up to presenting the Call to Action, a multi-stakeholder approach was given regarding the value biosimilars can bring to patients with colorectal cancer.

The Call to Action is currently open for endorsement – details of how you can have your organisation endorse our efforts are below – we thank you in advance for your support on this important topic for patients!

About the event

The event offered key perspectives from various speakers demonstrating how the use of biosimilars can contribute to the increased access to biological treatment for colorectal cancer patients and to enhanced overall sustainability of European healthcare systems.

It saw the participation of key policy makers in the field of health, including MEP Dolors Montserrat, rapporteur of the INI (own initiative) report on the Pharmaceutical Strategy, who joined to share the view of the European Parliament on this important topic. The talks were followed by a panel discussion, involving all speakers along with MEP Montserrat, that concluded with questions from the audience. For those unable to join you can watch the video.

About the Call to Action

The DiCE Call to Action highlights the important inequalities across Member States in relation to patient access to biological treatments. It is noted that the European Union (EU) has the power to provide strategic guidance for Member States and support the exchange of best practices for policy interventions related to the use of biosimilar medicines, biosimilar-related savings allocation, and to enhance overall education about biosimilar medicines.

DiCE calls on the European Commission to:

  • Support transparent and tangible benefit-sharing practices around biosimilars across Europe that aim to improve the services and care offered to patients.
  • Build a dedicated Europe-wide online resource centre to support the exchange of best practices on biosimilar savings reinvestment.
  • Set up a dedicated Europe-wide online resource centre on biosimilars for HCPs and patients.

The Call includes several asks to Member States, among them the need to adjust national policies to ensure that biosimilar-related savings are reinvested locally in a tangible and transparent way, while encouraging all stakeholders to support patient organisations in raising overall awareness about biosimilars.

The Call, currently shared on the DiCE website and on social media will remain open for endorsement until the end of November and will be shared with the health community on the occasion of the biosimilars week, which will take place during the first week of November.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us by sending an email with your organisation details and logo to Giulia Barenghi should you wish to support this initiative or would like more information.

Catie Young

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