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DiCE at the WECAN Retreat 2023
26 May 2023

DiCE attended the Workgroup of European Cancer Patient Advocacy Networks (WECAN) retreat on the 20 and 21 April in Frankfurt (Germany). WECAN is a ...


Join our Young CRC Patient Focus Group
24 May 2023

Join DiCE’s focus group & contribute to our mission of raising awareness about the increasing incidence of colorectal cancer in young Eu...


Calling on EU Institutions to Address the Growing Burden of Digestive Cancers
23 May 2023

Our CEO, Zorana Maravic, joined United European Gastroenterology (UEG) on 26 April at the European Parliament in Brussels to call for more action t...


Highlights from the EASL Liver Cancer Summit
23 May 2023

The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) held the Liver Cancer Summit, its annual conference focused on liver cancer in Estoril, ...


Croatian National Policy Event on Digestive Cancers
22 May 2023

As part of DiCE’s campaign for improving health policies in treating digestive cancers, Croatian Member, Iget will organise a hybrid National...


Productive DISCERN Kick-Off Meeting in Barcelona
19 May 2023

The DISCERN Kick-off meeting convened in Barcelona at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) platform for scientists and patient represent...


SURVEY: Assessing AI Awareness & Perceptions Among Patient Organisations
24 April 2023

European Patient’s Forum (EPF) is collecting responses to a survey addressed to patients’ organisations or individuals carrying out pat...


Kick-Off Event for the SmartCARE Project
19 April 2023

On 28 March, key collaborators from the smartCARE consortium gathered in Brussels to share ideas and perspectives. Haidar Akl, a member of our scie...


A Wind of Change in the EU’s Pharmaceutical Landscape
19 April 2023

The challenge that the European Commission set itself up for in revising the EU’s Pharmaceutical Legislation (namely Directive 2001/83/EC1 an...


Colores Finland Shares Effort to Support People Living with Lynch Syndrome
18 April 2023

Lynch Syndrome impacts several areas of life. Patients can benefit from collaboration with specialists across many fields, especially input from Ly...


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