Celebrating a Lifetime of Achievement: Dr Eric Van Cutsem Honoured as Professor Emeritus

November 27, 2023

Dr Eric Van Cutsem, world-renowned Professor of Clinical Digestive Oncology and co-founder of Digestive Cancers Europe, was lauded as Professor Emeritus in a distinguished ceremony celebrating his incredible achievements in Leuven on Friday, 24 November 2023.

Over the last 30 years, Prof. Emeritus Van Cutsem has made monumental contributions to the field of digestive oncology. Throughout his illustrious career, he has been at the forefront of groundbreaking research and clinical advancements. His work has encompassed a comprehensive understanding of the molecular mechanisms driving gastrointestinal cancers, paving the way for novel therapies. He has also played a pivotal role in shaping treatment strategies, improving patient outcomes, and championing patient advocacy and awareness. His commitment to advancing both scientific knowledge and clinical care has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the field of gastrointestinal oncology, impacting the lives of countless patients around the world.

Friday’s celebration brought together leaders in the digestive oncology field to highlight his remarkable contributions to research and academia, as well as revealed long-standing friendships and the breadth of his network and impact.

As Medical Director, Prof Emeritus Van Cutsem remains DiCE’s guiding voice on all medically relevant matters and will continue to work with us in making strides in prevention and early detection while improving survival rates and quality of life for all those impacted by digestive cancers.


Natasha Muench
Natasha Muench

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