CRC Patients and Caregivers, Join the European Community of COLONTOWN!

December 7, 2022

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CRC Patients and caregivers, join the European community of COLONTOWN!

COLONTOWN is an international community of colorectal cancer patients and their caregivers.

COLONTOWN has over 7.000 members worldwide and offers more than 120 closed thematic discussion groups on Facebook, including a specific group for Europeans, and groups in EU languages (Spanish, German, and French for the moment).

When you arrive in COLONTOWN, you are welcomed by a team of members who will guide you through your first steps. Depending on your or your loved one’s diagnosis, you are directed to the appropriate groups, e.g., “stage IV patient”, “liver metastasis group”, “neuropathy group”, “group for patients diagnosed under 40”, “support group for stage IV patients” etc.

Depending on your needs, you can participate in as many groups as you like.

More specifically, the European group allows members to exchange experiences and details on specificities in Europe: opening of clinical trials, expert doctors/centres in different countries, treatments available in Europe, European projects, etc.

In COLONTOWN, you will always find empathetic answers on all the subjects that concern you. COLONTOWN is a highly human community providing unconditional support for patients and their relatives.

COLONTOWN is also a community at the forefront of therapeutic innovation as members share the latest international news on colorectal cancer and attend international congresses.

The COLONTOWN University website (The Educational Branch of COLONTOWN) also has many resources for understanding colorectal cancer. You will find a guide to getting started, information on clinical trial research, biomarkers, precision medicine, etc. Along with access to regular webinars and Q&As with renowned oncologists/researchers.

Here are some testimonials from European patients and caregivers:

M., CRC caregiver:

“I am a care partner for my husband. The care partners group is so important to me. Maybe the only folks that understand what I am going through.”

A., CRC caregiver:

“COLONTOWN has helped me navigate my mother’s cancer with a different eye. Before, I was in a pretty dark place, but after I found COLONTOWN and started sharing and communicating more with all the members, I learned I was not alone in this journey. Thousands of people are working together to bring awareness and help all the patients.”

C., CRC patient:

“COLONTOWN is informative, factual, and well-researched. It gives clinical information in a manageable way. I’ve learnt about the disease, trials and treatment approaches that have led to constructive conversations with my oncologist. IT’S EMPOWERING!

It’s also a great place to learn from others in a similar position and to share. So as well as the facts, there is a great experience and emotional support too.”

S., CRC caregiver:

“In the early days of my husband’s “terminal” diagnosis in January 2021, when he was just 41 years old, I was lost. Completely and utterly broken, my world had crumbled.

No one around me could help, offer advice, or truly support me. They tried, but they couldn’t.

I somehow, through trying to research day and night, stumbled across COLONTOWN. My world changed overnight, and I suddenly had this immense support crew with real-time advice, stories, help, support…

Without COLONTOWN, I doubt my husband would still be here. Without COLONTOWN, he would have suffered way more from the side effects of chemo. Without COLONTOWN, we wouldn’t have pushed and pushed to find second opinions, surgeons willing to go that extra mile.”

For more information, visit



Ruel Jacob

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