Colores Finland Shares Effort to Support People Living with Lynch Syndrome

Lynch Syndrome impacts several areas of life. Patients can benefit from collaboration with specialists across many fields, especially input from Lynch Syndrome carriers themselves!
With Lynch Syndrome (LS), a person inherits malfunctioning genes, increasing their risk for cancer. This high lifetime risk for cancer differs from developing sporadic cancer.
Every cancer impacts several areas of life, but unlike sporadic cancers, these impacts will not pass for people with LS. Recognising this, Colores has collaborated closely with specialists across different fields to create a booklet for people LS. This booklet contains information about the condition of Lynch Syndrome. It helps patients and carers tackle challenges that arise in physical and mental well-being, with prophylactic procedures, one’s own and the responsibilities connected to one’s genetic information, and family life and lifestyle factors.
Colores is pleased and proud to have co-created this booklet with LS carriers, who have provided insightful questions that need to be discussed and reviewed in the first versions of the booklet. Nothing for you, without you.
Messages and information from a peer are always valuable and different from information from experts. Peers’ support is essential when receiving life-changing news about LS and its associated cancers. Many people who received an LS-carrier diagnosis are often in a busy time of their lives. We are still optimising how to best support people in this situation. It is clear that the situation is unique, and the needs differ from patients with sporadic cancer.
Colores published the booklet on LS in Finnish and Swedish on World LS Awareness Day, 22 March 2023, with an event attended by LS- carriers in our networks and collaborators. Download the booklet HERE