DiCE 5th Annual Masterclass goes Virtual for 2020

April 29, 2020

Our DiCE Annual Masterclass was set to be held from July 1-4 in Barcelona alongside the European Society of Medical Oncology World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer (ESMO GI) again this year. As is ESMO GI, we’re pleased to announce that despite the current challenging circumstances, we will persevere with this educative and best practice sharing event by offering it to our members in virtual sessions throughout the coming months.

The planned two-day meeting agenda will be transformed into a series of web-based sessions that will:

  • Provide participants with scientific up-dates
  • Offer workshops to help participants build the practical skills necessary for the growth of their local organisations
  • Be a platform for best practice sharing across the network

The sessions will be open to all Member representatives wanting to learn and exchange their knowledge. For our General Assembly, usually held together with the Masterclass, we will also be holding this virtually.

Our team is working on making this the best online learning and exchange experience available. Please watch out for updates – dates coming soon!


Catie Young

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