DiCE Attends the TOGAS EU Project Consortium Meeting and Conference

September 23, 2024

Zorana Maravic, our CEO, and Ana Martins, DiCE medical and scientific project manager, participated in the TOGAS Consortium Meeting and TOGAS Conference on 11-12 September at Fundação Eng. Antonio Almeida, Porto, Portugal.

These important events brought together researchers, healthcare professionals, and patient advocates, all united by a common goal: improving the prevention, early detection, and treatment of gastric cancer. The TOGAS Consortium Meeting was a gathering of all partners involved in the project, including DiCE. This meeting gave everyone a chance to share updates on their work, discuss challenges, and plan the next steps. The TOGAS Conference was a broader event, bringing together experts, policymakers, and stakeholders from across Europe to discuss invaluable insights on implementing effective screening programs.

As a European non-profit organisation uniting patient groups and stakeholders, DiCE is committed to improving survival and quality of life through advocacy, research, and awareness. Our involvement in TOGAS underscores our dedication to championing early diagnosis and ensuring equitable access to top-tier treatment and care for all. 

For more information about the TOGAS project, click here.

To follow TOGAS on social media and to stay informed, click here.


Laura Urena

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