DiCE CEO Partakes in EU Commission Colorectal Cancer Working Group (ECICC)

June 24, 2022
DiCE CEO Partakes in EU Commission Colorectal Cancer Working Group cover

June 20 brought the kick off meeting of the working group of the European Commission Initiative on Colorectal Cancers (ECICC). DiCE CEO, Zorana Maravic was proud to take her seat at the table among European and international screening experts and representatives from the European Commission and other bodies to ensure the colorectal cancer patient voice is heard.

“Too many lives are lost to this cancer that is highly treatable if caught early,” says Zorana. “We are optimistic that this and other initiatives undertaken by the European Commission will help continue the work we have been doing for many years to ensure that screening programmes gets implemented across all EU countries at high quality standards – programmes that are proven to save lives.”

The first meeting introduced the basis for the development of the European guidelines and associated quality assurance measures, in terms of the approach, a roadmap and next steps.

The working group is expected to gather 3-5 times a year with initial recommendations and requirements awaited for spring 2023.

As per the Commission press release: “Latest estimates indicate that colorectal cancer is the third most diagnosed cancer in men and the second one in women in the EU, as well as the second cause of cancer death in men and the third one in women. However, there is considerable variability among EU-27 countries and regions that need addressing.

The Colorectal Cancer Initiative is a deliverable of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and aims to improve quality of care and reduce inequalities in Europe. More specifically, the Initiative will contribute to the development of evidence-based guidelines for colorectal cancer prevention, screening and diagnosis, as well as a quality assurance scheme for healthcare services throughout the entire care pathway.”

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Catie Young

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