DiCE CEO, Zorana Maravic Adds the Patient Voice to Official EU Scientific Opinion on Screening

Digestive Cancers Europe CEO, Zorana Maravic, participated at the Cancer Screening Expert Workshop organized by the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM). Here she represented the patient voice in answering the question ‘How can colorectal cancer screening programmes be improved throughout the EU?’. The scientific evidence discussed during the workshop will now be fed into a Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) report, which will inform the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors’ Scientific Opinion on cancer screening. Both the report and the Scientific Opinion will be published in February 2022 and the latter will go towards the Commission’s proposal to update the 2003 Council Recommendation on cancer screening to ensure the latest available scientific evidence is reflected. As stated by the EC, this proposal should also be adopted no later than February 2022. DiCE is closely monitoring the progress of this action.
At DiCE, we are constantly working to improve colorectal cancer screening practices across Europe. Currently we are organising our 2nd CRC Screening Summit on November 30 from 9:00 am. Please find out more and register for the event or contact us for more information.