DiCE is proud to be part of the #myUEGcommunity at UEGWeek2022

October 21, 2022

At DiCE, we strongly believe in cooperation and working together, which is why it was our pleasure to join UEG at their yearly congress in Vienna this year.

DiCE was present to raise awareness and create new valuable connections to work together towards improved patient outcomes. We were especially interested to hear insights from the White Book 2 on the analysis of the burden and economic impact of digestive diseases and the investigation of research gaps, including alarming trends and priorities in the field of digestive health in the European Region.

“Digestive health is a field that is growing, revealing numerous new opportunities, and UEG offers an ideal umbrella for digestive health in Europe with all its national societies and interdisciplinary subspecialty organisation,” said Prof Michael P. Manns, recipient of the UEG Lifetime Achievement Award.

We want to thank UEG and all participants who visited our booth. We are already looking forward to UEG Week 2023 in Copenhagen.

If you weren’t a UEG Week delegate, the 2022 UEG Week Abstract Issue and digi-books are accessible to all!


Ruel Jacob

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