DiCE Materials Accessible in European Languages

March 18, 2022
DiCE Materials Accessible in European Languages

As a service to our Members Organisations, all materials that Digestive Cancers Europe produces are available to be translated and shared as widely as possible in local languages. To support this we are working on a number of translations of our publications for immediate use. For your reference – please see our latest list of available materials in varied languages and works in progress below.

Current translations

  • Liver Cancer White Paper Summary – available in French, German, Spanish and Serbian, also soon to be available in Portuguese, Polish and Greek
  • Liver Cancer Key Facts Infographic IN PROGRESS in French, Spanish, German, Serbian, Portuguese, Polish and Greek
  • Colorectal Cancer Biosimilars Education Materials including an information brochure on biosimilars for patients with colorectal cancer, a video about biosimilar communication between patients and clinicians and a checklist with questions patients with metastatic colorectal cancer may have around biosimilars are currently available on our website in English, Spanish, Polish and Dutch and IN PROGRESS in French, Portuguese and Italian

If there are materials that you would like to have in the language of your Member Organisation, please reach out to Natasha Münch and she will be happy to work with you further.

Natasha Muench

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