DiCE Partner COR2ED Launches Blended Learning Program to Improve Patient/Nurse Interactions

May 25, 2020

With DiCE patient input, our partner COR2ED, creator of high quality Independent Medical Education programmes has launched a new blended learning program for oncology nurses and advanced practice providers. This is to highlight and improve the crucial communication steps required for patient interactions to be fruitful, stress reducing and add to general patient wellbeing.

Nurses are pivotal go-to figures for patients with gastrointestinal cancers. They must provide patients with guidance and support throughout the treatment journey empowering them to participate in their treatment-related choices.

The GUIDE communication framework helps oncology nurses and advanced practice providers to fulfil this role. Each letter in GUIDE represents a crucial step in the interactions between nurses and patients:

G: Gaining insight into the goals of treatment and care

U: Understanding the gaps in the patient’s knowledge

I: Informing and educating both the patient and their carer

D: Directing to additional support

E: Empowering the patient

GUIDE is supported by a blended-learning program, consisting of a series of patient case study-based videos and an e-learning for oncology nurses and advanced practice providers. DiCE is pleased to have volunteered its services towards the project as a long-term COR2ED partner.

Click here to visit the learning programme also available in Spanish.

GUIDE was developed on behalf of GI NURSES CONNECT, supported by an independent educational grant from Bayer.


Catie Young

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