Targeted Consultation Ends for EU4Health Programme of the European Commission

June 21, 2022
DiCE Submits Opinion on EU4Health Programme of the European Commission cover

Last year, the European Commission adopted the EU4Health programme. With it the EU has promised to dedicate 5,3 billion EUR in investment towards healthcare between 2021 and 2027. They ran their targeted consultation of May and June that sought stakeholder opinion on current and future EU health priorities and strategic orientations. This included the key health needs to be addressed through EU4Health annual Work Programmes, providing inputs for reflection on the 2023 EU4Health Work Programme and beyond.

EU4Health supports a range of actions, classified by the European Commission in the overarching strands of: (i) crises preparedness, (ii) health promotion and disease preventions, (iii) healthy systems and healthcare workforce and on (iv) digital transformation. DiCE looks forward to the outcomes of the consultation and will keep its Members updated on next steps and our possible involvement in any related projects.

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Catie Young

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