Digestive Cancers Europe Participates in EU4Health 2022 Funding Calls

February 21, 2022
Digestive Cancers Europe Participates in EU4Health 2022 Funding Calls

The EU4Health 2022 work programme was officially launched by the European Commission on January 14. It is the European Union’s response to the current public health emergency aimed at making a significant contribution to the post-COVID19 recovery programme by investing over €835 million in building stronger, more resilient health systems.

DiCE is closely monitoring the publishing of several Calls dedicated to cancer on the European Commission funding portal and has recently applied to two EU funding calls within international consortia led by the European Cancer Organization.

If you would like to know more we invite you to access the European Commission decision on the financing of the Programme or contact us for more information.


Catie Young

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