Do You Dare to Think Differently about Cancer?

September 24, 2023

The Cancer Grand Challenges mission is “Uniting the World’s brightest minds against cancer’s toughest challenges”. Founded by CRUK (Cancer Research UK) and NIH (National Cancer Institute), The CGC aims to bring together truly International research teams to collaborate, design, and co-produce research that will solve the most complex problems in cancer research.

Digestive Cancer Europe’s Patient Advisory Committee Chair, Dave Chuter, is part of Team eDyNAmiC, and they are looking to build their Patient Advocacy team with members from the UK, Europe, and the US, especially advocates for children’s cancers and digestive cancers.

Team eDyNAmiC is looking to be a model of collaborative science to gain new insights into extrachromosomal DNA, translating them into new treatments for some of the hardest-to-treat types of cancer.

They have virtual lab meetings every other week, which everyone is welcome to join, and patient advocacy meetings every month after a lab meeting.


Roles include reviewing all of the team’s work to be communicated to the public, ensuring patients are at the heart of the research, asking questions only patients can ask, and sharing your unique expertise and perspectives as a patient or carer with the teams.

More information can be found on the attached Patient Advocate poster and the links below.

eDyNAmiC team page:

CGC home page:

"We will welcome the experienced and “new to research" advocates, be it a patient, carer or family member." - Dave Chuter


Natasha Muench

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