EU4Health News: Operating Grants are Back for Health Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)!

November 26, 2021
EU4Health News: Operating Grants are Back for Health NGOs!

We are happy to join our partners at the European Patients’ Forum (EPF) in announcing that on Monday 25 of October health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides announced on Twitter that “Civil society make an invaluable contribution to policy making and are key for building a strong European Health Union. The EU4Health programme is both a response to COVID19 and a funding plan for the future. As such, we will make sure that operating grants for NGOs are maintained.”

In the previous months DiCE contributed to the campaign launched by EPF aiming at persuading the European Commission to restore this vital tool – operating grants – for health NGOs. We signed open letters to the Commission and supported the social media campaign of EPF and its partners. We will keep you updated about the next steps and inform you about future changes within the EU funding scheme. Would you like to know more? Contact us for more information.


Catie Young

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