EuropaColon Poland Received “Swallow of Hope Award”

April 18, 2023

Congratulations to our member organisation EuropaColon Poland Foundation for Patients, on receiving the “Swallow of Hope”, a national Polish award in recognition of their hard work and dedication to patients!

On 21 March, the Polish Coalition of Oncological Patients Foundation held the 8th edition of the “Swallow of Hope” competition, Iga Rawicka, President of EuropaColon Polska, received the award from Deputy Minister Maciej Miłkowski, becoming its laureate. Iga shared that the aim of this competition is to promote, support, bring hope and create good practices in the environment of oncological patients. In attendance were the many awarded laureates and distinguished patients from various organisations, as well as those with whom the EuropaColon Polska Foundation closely cooperates.

This award was dedicated to the late Błażej Rawicki by Iga Rawicka.  Błażej established the EuropaColon Polska Foundation in 2017 and was president until 2020 when Iga took over the presidency and continued the foundation’s activities. Acknowledging the distinction, Iga Rawicka concluded: “Helping patients, giving them hope and real support is the guiding principle for all of us who work for patients.”


Ruel Jacob

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