European Code of Cancer Practice – DiCE Presents alongside Stella Kyriakides on ‘10 Key Overarching Rights’

September 25, 2020
EU Code of Cancer Practice

On September 23, Stefan Gijssels CEO, Digestive Cancers Europe had the pleasure of joining Stella Kyriakides, the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, along with other stakeholders across Europe to present on the launch of the European Code of Cancer Practice, an initiative led by the European Cancer Organisation, of which DiCE is a member.

The meeting launched a new tool of 10 key overarching rights translated into a series of national languages to empower patients, highlighting what cancer patients should expect from their health systems and their rights within the EU. Each ‘right’ was presented by policy makers, healthcare professionals and patient representatives from different EU countries.

The 10 overarching rights are:

  1. Equal Access
  2. Information
  3. Quality Expertise and Outcomes
  4. Specialised Multidisciplinary Care
  5. Shared Decision Making
  6. Research and Innovation
  7. Quality of Life
  8. Integrated Supportive and Palliative Care
  9. Survivorship and Rehabilitation
  10. Reintegration

You can find social media and illustrative materials like the one below in many national languages on the European Cancer Organisation’s website for further use – please spread the word on these essential rights!

European Code of Cancer Practice

Please contact us for any questions you may have on this topic or if you would like to know how best to assert your patient rights.


Catie Young

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