European Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month – ECCAM 2020. Thank You for your Support!

March 27, 2020

Despite these unprecedented times DiCE decided, in consultation with some of our Member Groups who had made many preparations for the March month of ECCAM, to keep our screening awareness campaign live throughout the month.

We would like to thank everyone who supported patients through this month by participating despite the omnipresence of the coronavirus in all our lives!

As many of you know, it was with much disappointment that we had to tell our 60 plus participants that our ECCAM 2020 launch on 4th of March at the European Parliament was cancelled in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. We want to thank our hosts and co-hosts from the European Parliament as well as all those registered for their intended support and interest – we missed seeing you all and we hope that you are all keeping safe and well.

Nonetheless, we ran our #BeautifulLives screening awareness campaign asking people to sign our petition on The petition called for all people over 50 to be screened for colorectal cancer across Europe in order to save 100,000 lives per year.

We are grateful to report that the campaign, despite the hardships European citizens currently face, had 3,270,339 impressions on Facebook with 1,354,145 people watching the entire video. Again due to these unprecedented times we are stopping the campaign this month, in spite of our hopes to keep it moving through the year.

If you supported us by signing our petition during the ECCAM 2020 we would like to thank you all very much.

We look forward to highlighting the importance of colorectal cancer screening with you all again in March, for ECCAM 2021. Please #StaySafe in the meantime.


Catie Young

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