European Commission Officially Launches its Beating Cancer Plan

February 3, 2021
EU Commission

On 3 February 2021, the European Commission (EC) officially presented its Beating Cancer Plan. The plan is structured around four key pillars: prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment, and improving quality of life with multiple supporting actions, including ten flagship initiatives.

The EU budget approved for this action is €4 billion. This will be divided into several programmes to address cancer, including the EU4Health programme, Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe programme.

Following the launch, the EC cancer team presented further in a dedicated webinar. John Ryan, Deputy Director General for Health, opened by underlining the major achievement of producing the Plan within one year after the launch of the consultation, and called for a strong involvement of all stakeholders in its implementation and monitoring. Commissioner Kyriakides presented the plan focus, highlighted the extensive consultation that contributed to its content and ambitious actions, and provided an overview of the four pillars while Matthias Schuppe, Deputy Director General for Health and cancer Team Leader presented the 10 ‘flagships’ and the 32 actions in detail and described how the Commission intends to involve all stakeholders.

Please find the presentations and more information on the EU Health Policy Platform or watch the press conference. You can also contact us for more information about DiCE’s position in regards to the plan.


Catie Young

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