European Commission Spending Plan for 2023 – Adoption of EU4Health Work Programme

November 28, 2022

The European Commission adopted the 2023 EU4Health work programme. It lists in detail all working streams and activities planned by DG SANTE in the area of health.

The overall budget is 735,8 million, and its activities are working towards creating the European Health Union.

The main areas which will receive funding are: (i) strengthening the EU’s resilience to cross-border health threats, (ii) preparation for and implementation of the European Health Data Space, (iii) Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe, (iv) Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, (v) European Reference Networks, (vi) efforts to address mental health (vii) global health challenges, including (viii) support for refugees and health-related urgencies due to Russia’s war against Ukraine.

In relation to cancer, a total of €187 300 000 is allocated; the following action strands will be financed:

  • €130 500 000 for the EU network of comprehensive cancer infrastructures
  • €38 500 000 for the Implementation of cancer screening programmes
  • €10 000 000 for Mental Health and Cancer
  • €2 800 000 for the Implementation of strategic agenda for medical ionising radiation
  • €2 500 000 for Reducing Cancer Inequalities
  • €1 500 000 for Cancer Prevention
  • €1 500 000 for the Quality of Life of Cancer Survivors

It is reassuring that the European Commission has planned financial support for Member States’ implementation of cancer screening recommendations.

Funds have also been allocated to developing EU guidelines and a quality assurance scheme for lung, prostate and gastric cancer screening (CR-p-23-41) with €7 500 000 reserved. Based on this existing methodology, guidelines for screening lung, prostate and gastric cancers will be developed as indicated in the Commission proposal for the Council Recommendation. The guidelines will be complemented by quality assurance manuals and tools to help implement and monitor their use in the Member States to support the different designs, planning, and implementation of population-based and targeted cancer screenings, diagnosis and treatment.

European Commission is also recognising that the Cross-border Healthcare Directive (2011/24/ EU) is not meeting its potential. Evaluation of the Directive concluded that awareness of cross-border healthcare remains low, that more efforts are necessary to improve information to patients and that differences in national health systems are a significant obstacle to cross-border healthcare. The European Commission will be issuing a framework contract or open call for tenders for a report with recommendations on possible solutions (allocated €500 000)

Detailed information on some other actions planned in the area of cancer:

  • Direct grants to Member States’ authorities: to establish an EU network of Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures and new networks of expertise on cancers and cancer conditions (CR-g-23-40.1-2); in the form of two joint actions: EU Network of Comprehensive Cancer Centres (€90 000 000) and Network or Expertise (€40 500 000)
  • Call for proposals to support the implementation of the strategic agenda for medical ionising radiation applications (SAMIRA95) – organisation of clinical audit campaigns as a tool to improve the quality and safety of medical applications of ionising radiation (CR- g-23-44-01); allocated €1 500 000
  • Direct grants to Member States’ authorities: to support the implementation of the strategic agenda for medical ionising radiation applications (SAMIRA) – Preparatory activities for future joint action on quality and safety of medical applications of ionising radiation under the SAMIRA initiative (CR-g-23-44-03); allocated €1 000 000
  • Call for proposals: action grants on mental health challenges for cancer patients and survivors (CR-g-23-19.01/02); Mental Health and cancer (€8 000 000), European Code for Mental Health (€2 000 000) and action grants for NGOs
  • Development of EU guidelines and quality assurance scheme for lung, prostate and gastric cancer screening (CR-p-23-41)
  • Evaluation study: Use of sunbeds and cancer risk (CR-p-23-39) allocated €1 000 000
  • Cancer inequalities registry: biennial reports and index by the OECD; grant to OECD of €2 500 000


Ruel Jacob

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