European Commission Supports EU Countries in Tackling Common Health Risks

July 14, 2022
EU Commission

In June the European Commission has produced a guiding document “Healthier Together: EU Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Initiative”. The initiative was launched in December 2021 and is being run from 2022-2027. Although cancer remains unspecified, it dedicates a substantial section to cross-cutting risk factors, factors that also increase the incidence of digestive cancers. These include: addressing tobacco use, harmful alcohol consumption, unhealthy dietary habits and physical inactivity. Along with bringing benefits for cancer prevention, they are complementing the actions set out in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. Thus the Beating Cancer Plan and the EU NCD Initiative are aligned in their joint focus on health promotion and disease prevention, as well as early detection.

What Actions Does the NCD Initiative Set Out?

The NCD initiative provides EU countries with a spectrum of effective actions and the available legal and financial supporting tools to be able to improve public health. For instance, for health determinants, the suggested priority areas are:

  • Control the use of tobacco and related products among the general population
  • Prevent children, adolescents, and young adults from starting to use tobacco and related products
  • Reduce the harmful consumption of alcohol among the general population
  • Prevent the consumption of alcohol among children, adolescents, and young adults
  • Reduce unhealthy eating, physical inactivity, overweight and obesity among the general population as well as children and adolescents
  • Create healthy (physical and online) environments.

The Initiative will have a budget of €156 million under the 2022 EU4Health work programme. In relation to health determinants, a Joint Action is planned in collaboration with Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. DiCE is monitoring advances in these areas – please watch out for further updates.

Would you like to know more about this initiative? Please contact us.


Catie Young

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