Grants to Civil Society Orgs Addressed in Collective Response to EU Consultation

September 22, 2021
Grants to Civil Society Orgs Addressed in Collective Response to EU Consultation

Digestive Cancers Europe was pleased to add the patient voice within the European Patients’ Forum (EPF) response to the European Commission public consultation on its 2021 EU4Health Work Programme in July. Along with other issues, the response addressed public funding at EU level, particularly encouraging the EC to restore operating grants for civil society organisations (CSOs).

Such Consultations aim to gather the opinions of all stakeholders within the health community on the most urgent needs, objectives and actions to be addressed by the programme. The questions were designed specifically to address each programme objective in the next years (2022 and beyond).

If you have any questions on this please contact Giulia, our Policy and Public Funding Manager.


Catie Young

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