Hepatocellular Carcinoma Prevention & Diagnosis: DiCE Publishes Project Results

October 25, 2024

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC, the most common form of liver cancer) is an often preventable disease with several treatment options available to patients who are diagnosed early. Despite this, the incidence and mortality rates of HCC are on the rise in Europe and globally. A better understanding of the status quo in HCC prevention and diagnosis may support initiatives to tackle the growing disease burden. Hence, DiCE carried out a mapping research project this year to investigate the European landscape of HCC prevention efforts and diagnosis stages and approaches, among other topics.

The results of our project have now been published as part of our Liver Cancer Awareness Month campaign. We created an Interactive Map that showcases the highlights from the country-by-country data and an Executive Summary, which primarily focuses on the key issues that should be addressed to reduce the incidence and mortality rates of HCC in Europe. These results complement our project from last year, the Liver Cancer Index. Our findings from these research projects serve as the foundation for DiCE’s future liver cancer advocacy efforts and can be leveraged nationally


Lili Gundelach

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