Highlighting Lynch Syndrome on March 22 with DiCE Member FAPA

February 15, 2021

March 22 is Lynch Syndrome Awareness Day. Lynch syndrome is one of only two common hereditary digestive cancer syndromes.

In order to get to know the disease better and to be able to support patients properly, FAPA, the Belgian association for Lynch patients and DiCE Member, has set up a register.

The main goal of rare disease registries is to improve the prognosis of patients through early diagnosis and preventive treatment. The improved knowledge of Lynch disease allows people to be informed about the cause and nature of the condition and what they can do to improve their health.

Recently, FAPA published guidelines for the diagnosis and follow-up of Lynch patients. Specialists and patients collaborated to adapt the international guidelines to the Belgian situation and patients. These guidelines are available for patients and health care professionals.

For more information please contact us.


Catie Young

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