Liver Cancer Index – Data Gaps

DiCE would like to map liver cancer treatment across the EU. To achieve this, DiCE has started disseminating a survey this spring, primarily among clinicians, public health experts and patient advocates, who are best positioned to answer the questions and help to sketch the landscape of liver cancer treatment.
We have received several responses from across the EU. However, we are looking at improving the representativeness of the survey and are particularly looking for data from:
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- Germany
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Lithuania
- Luxemburg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Romania
- Slovakia
Please complete the survey if you are from any of the countries listed above and would like to contribute to this research project. It can be accessed here.
Once we have the necessary data, we will create an interactive map highlighting treatment availability in each EU country. This will be available on the DiCE website starting in October 2023. We believe that a better understanding of country-by-country availability of liver cancer treatment could aid broader access to best-practice care, thus increasing survival rates across Europe. We also hope that the results will draw attention to inequalities between EU countries and, therefore, could be leveraged as an advocacy tool, particularly at the national level.
For further information on the research project or the survey, please get in touch with the project lead, Lili Gundelach (
Lili Gundelach