Organisational Announcement – Many Thanks to Vítor Neves!

October 27, 2021
Organisational Announcement – Many Thanks to Vítor Neves!

Digestive Cancers Europe would like to inform you that Vítor Neves, long-standing member of EuropaColon and DiCE Board Member, has stepped down from his position.

Vítor is an upstanding citizen that is and has always been a driving force behind getting the digestive cancer patient voice heard in Portugal, Europe and internationally. He has been the President of the Board of Directors of EuropaColon Portugal since 2007. Along with this and his many other achievements in the healthcare and civil society arena, he is also the Founding Member of both the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition, USA and Pancreatic Cancer Europe, UK.

An active and engaged DiCE Board Member, we would like to thank Vítor for his contribution towards the newly formed organisation, along with his role in building EuropaColon out of which DiCE was formed. Vitor will continue to work with us as the representative of EuropaColon Portugal, one of the first groups to have been established among our Member organisations.

DiCE Board Elections – Are you Looking to Reach New Career Heights?

Are you looking to become a Board Member of a growing European organisation working to have the patient voice heard across Europe? Like Vítor and others before you, would you like to be actively involved in the top decision making processes and add these capabilities to your CV: organisational advisor, strategic direction, guidance on a European level? Please contact Ghislaine, our Administrative Manager to find out how – Board elections will take place at our 2022 Annual General Assembly in June.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the above, please contact us.


Catie Young

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