Member Organisation Update

December 4, 2022

News From The North, PALEMA’s Tireless Efforts During The Months of October and November.

October and November were busy months for our Swedish member organisation, PALEMA!

October was Liver Cancer Awareness Month, and PALEMA published several articles. They were very active on their social media channels and hosted a webinar on new possibilities and treatments for bile duct cancer.

In November, PALEMA focused its efforts on Pancreatic Cancer. In addition to articles and a solid social media campaign, they hosted two events.  A webinar on World Pancreatic Cancer Day, 17 November, on the topic: “Pancreatic failure – consequences and treatment,” where they discussed the importance of enzyme supplements for those suffering from Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. And for those able to attend, PALEMA hosted an in-person WPCD event to discuss topics of importance for patients with digestive cancers across Sweden.

In November, they also launched the “Blåljuscancer” project (emergency cancer), a campaign that spotlights the urgency in which all digestive cancers should be addressed regarding diagnosis, testing and treatment.

Additionally, they published a new podcast episode where they talked about what rights you have as a patient and as a relative. Looking forward, PALEMA hopes to bring back support meetings for those directly affected by cancer in digital format and in-person meetings. For carers, they plan a digital support meeting titled “welcome to PALEMA” for new members, along with one more podcast episode before the holidays.

PALEMA has also received funding to translate their website into English, allowing patients and carers to access essential resources on their website, look forward to this and many more impactful projects in the new year!


Ruel Jacob

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