Shaping Priorities for the EU4Health Funding Programme

May 23, 2023

The Commission conducted in May a targeted consultation on the EU4Health programme’s future priorities, orientation, and needs.

DiCE contributed to the process, in its response highlighting the need for continued focus on cancer, especially through:

  • Promotion of innovation and further research in diagnostics and early detection.
  • Fostering more cooperation between Member States in exchange for best practices and promotion of European expertise centres.
  • Continuing work to diminish inequalities in cancer treatment.

EU4Health programme has a budget of €5.3 billion, the fourth and largest of the EU health programmes.

The programme provides funding to national authorities, health organisations and other bodies through grants and public procurement; its duration is 2021-2027.

The first analysis of the outcomes will be discussed at the EU4Health stakeholders conference on 9 June 2023.


Ruel Jacob

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