Economist Impact: World Cancer Series Europe

September 24, 2023

On 20 September, the Belgian delegation of the DiCE Team attended the Economist Impact’s World Cancer Series: Europe in Brussels, proudly supporting our Patient Advocacy Committee (PAC) member, Stephen Rowley. Steve was invited to represent the patient voice and DiCE on a panel focused on improving access to clinical trials (CTs).

Steve spotlighted some of the burdens of digestive cancers, acknowledging that these cancers are under-researched and underfunded, emphasising the need for more CTs across all disease indications, fewer restrictions and exclusion criteria, and accessibility to existing CTs across all European countries as a means to close the deadly cancer gap.

As a CRC survivor, Steve’s experiences and passionate commitment to cancer advocacy amplified his call to action for better access and equity

 in digestive cancer clinical trials. Steve’s final remarks left a lasting impression, making a solid case for including patients throughout the CT design process right from the start to have meaningful and impactful collaboration.

Steve and the DiCE team participated in the summit, which hosted an audience of policymakers, healthcare providers, industry leaders, academics, patient organisations, and investors.  This year’s mission was to improve lives through transformative prevention, care, and cures.

The program featured over 90 speakers, covering topics to build on the prior year’s innovation, equity, and excellence theme.

Read Steve’s story HERE

Read more about the event: 9th Annual World Cancer Series Europe

Explore clinical trials for patients with digestive cancers:


Natasha Muench

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